


Have you ever not wanted to clean your pets cage or take it out for a walk? Well I have because I am always lazey about doing things like that.
For example:
Having a sleepover instead of cleaning ir walking your pet. Well this is a story about my brothers hamster.
One summer morning Marek had to clean his cage because it was very messy. Then later his friend called and asked to go swimming so Marek fid not clean his cage. So after a month Marek remembered to clean Thunders cage and that day he looked into the cage and his hamster was died. Because Marek did not give him food and for a while I fead it but I had to go to camp so that is jow Mareks hamster died. That is why a pet is very hard work because I have a hamster named Rosey and she is very hard to take care of because she needs to go to the vet a lot because she could get wettail which is a very hard. So take really good care of your pet.

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